Hough End

Lead Coach: Vinnie Camilleri

Hough End is a local community squad for junior swimmers wanting to progress in the sport. Within this group, swimmers will focus on learning and improving the technique of each stroke, and competitive starts, turns and finishes.

Swimmers in the group will have the opportunity to compete in non-licensed Rising Stars galas, and at local level 3 competitions.

Entry Guidelines
Swimmers must be able to demonstrate the following:

– Can complete 50m of all 4 strokes proficiently
– Consisently demonstrate bilateral breathing for frontcrawl
– Able to push off the wall in streamline correctly and consistently
– Able to read the clock and set off at the correct time (when basic timings is given)
– Understand what a legal turn is for all four strokes
– Have lane etiquette

Swimmer must demonstrate a desire to compete at Rising Stars and local competitions.

All swimmers are selected at the coaches discretion.

Hough End Leisure Centre
Hough End Leisure Centre
Hough End Leisure Centre
Want to be part of our Team?